Speak Out Against Youngkin’s Cruel Trans Policy Proposal

The Department of Education is now (Sept. 26-Oct. 26) accepting public comment on Glen Youngkin’s cruel and egregious policy proposals that endanger the lives of our children.


Make your voice heard HERE!


Be sure to say if you are a parent. Youngkin says he is prosecuting his culture war on behalf of parents. So, if you’re the parent of a six-year-old or a 37-year-old, you are familiar with the issues in this debate, you know what’s involved in educating a child, and you can provide as much insight– probably more – as those with children currently in school. It’s also worth noting that you are a taxpayer who pays for our schools.


Here are the facts:


  • LGBTQ+ youth are under attack, their health and lives threatened, by the proposed discriminatory policies. This is an excellent summary of the dangers inherent in these policy changes, written by the Virginia Education Association.

  • At a time of their lives when these young people are struggling to understand their place in the world, Youngkin’s cruel policy proposal would make them subject, at the very least, to unwarranted stress and, almost certainly, life threatening bullying.

  • This isn’t hyperbole. The research is voluminous. According to NIH and the Center for Suicide Prevention, a third of transgender youth attempt suicide due to gender-based victimization. And a study by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that somewhere between 19% and 27% of trans and non-binary children suffered assaults.

  • Loudoun’s conservative zealots are quick to counter that an assault on two female students last year was the act of a trans student. Not true. The assailant has never been identified as trans.

  • The simple reality is that trans kids are four times more likely to be victims of attacks – physical and psychological – while attacks by trans kids are nearly non-existent.


 Act now. It takes less than two minutes and 

you’ll have made a positive contribution.




Debate: Wexton Provides Insights; Cao Extremist Rhetoric
