We Need Your Help!

Apparently, the right to a “speedy trial” – fundamental to the cause of justice everywhere else in the United States – no longer applies in the Virginia courts.


It’s been seven weeks since County Circuit Court Judge Jeannette A. Irby recused herself from the cases of two Loudoun County School Board members facing politically motivated recall petitions – and five weeks since the rest of the county’s judges followed her lead, leaving these unjustly accused officials unable to attain so much as a hearing.


Since then, School Board Members Brenda Sheridan, of Sterling, and Atoosa Reaser, of Algonkian, find themselves awaiting a decision from the Virginia Supreme Court, which is silently taking its sweet time appointing a judge or judges to handle the cases.


Meanwhile, these two duly elected officials are suspended in a Kafka-like nightmare, unable to challenge the charade staged by a small group of culture warriors seeking to deny majority-control of the county’s school system.


What’s going on here? Is this American due process? We don’t think so.


The Loudoun Democrats want this unusual form of injustice to end so we are mounting a phone bank campaign starting Thursday, reaching out to inform the public and ask people to call the Supreme Court demanding action.


We ask that you join us by taking a five-minute shift on our phone bank, making just a few phone calls, helping other concerned citizens reach out to the courts and correct this unacceptable failure of justice.  


Sign up HERE and know that you have served the cause of justice.


Remembering a Trailblazer


There He Goes Again…