Difference in the Two Parties Obvious on Day 1 of the Democratic Convention

On this first day of the 2024 Democratic Convention in Chicago, the differences between the two parties couldn’t be more apparent.

Democratic candidates Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have energized the party, both nationally and locally. Loudoun Dems have felt that enthusiasm with an increase in attendance and interest in volunteering.

Local Republicans meanwhile are spending their time handing out back to school literature that concentrates on bathrooms and banning books.

They are also busy warding off a possible lawsuit from the campaign of their party’s presidential candidate. The Washington Post reports that the Trump campaign sent a letter to Loudoun GOP Chairman Scott Pio about items for sale on the GOP website.

“Immediately cease and desist from all unauthorized use of President Trump’s name and likeness, or we will pursue all claims against you. It will hurt,” the Aug. 6 letter said.

The items were still for sale on the Loudoun GOP website on Aug. 19.

Pio told the Post, “The internal firing squad of the Republican Party needs to stop. This is why we are losing the country, because the Republican Party keeps internally fighting with itself. And I want Trump to win.”

Republican infighting isn’t the only reason people are turning away. It’s also their positions which are anti-healthcare, anti-union, anti-worker, anti-women, anti-children, anti-immigrant, and all the other antis.

Meanwhile the convention in Chicago will show America what Democrats stand for and tell the story of our proven track record of delivering progress for all Americans. 

At the convention, Democrats will come together to build on our progress, lay out what’s at stake in this election, and unite around our shared values of democracy and freedom to create a future for all Americans.

If you are interested in being a part of LCDCs efforts to elect Democrats up and down the ballot, there are things you can do right now:


Message from LCDC Chair About Campaign Literature Distribution


Loudoun Democrats Decry Cut in Early Voting Opportunities