Loudoun’s Pride Opposes Political Bullying

Join us this weekend as we gather to celebrate and show our resolve to stand up to the tyranny of the minority

By now, you’ve likely read or heard about the Texas Republican Party’s aberrant behavior, totally out of step with the mainstream of American thought, towards the LGBTQ+ community, which could have troubling implications for Virginians and Loudoun County in particular.


In case you missed it: This past weekend, the Texas GOP adopted a platform which, in addition to the usual counterfactual claptrap about Biden’s presidency being illegitimate, life beginning at fertilization, and “Guns Good/Safety Bad”, calls for treating homosexuality as “an abnormal lifestyle choice” and ending gay marriage.


While public polling demonstrates steadily increasing support for LGBTQ+ rights – now upwards of 70% in favor – Texas’s GOP leads the nation in deviant, regressive policy initiatives.


Texas, of course, attained some degree of infamy earlier this spring by empowering its child welfare agency to investigate parents of transgender children and consider taking action if those parents provided their kids with gender-affirming care.


We need to be especially mindful of these issues as June is Pride Month, a time to celebrate, but also a time to push back against political threats as well as increasing threats of gun violence against the LGBTQ+ community.


Consider the views of South Carolina Congressional candidate Mark Burns, who calls for the execution of parents and teachers supporting LGBTQ+ rights.


When we don't stop words, they become actions. When we don't stop those actions, they become the status quo. 


Which brings us to the problem for Virginia and Loudoun County: While Texas’ governor runs with a pack of anti-queer bullies and DeSantis has his “Don’t Say Gay” assault on common sense, our very own Glen Youngkin has made clear that he won’t be outdone by his rivals, so Loudoun County – Youngkin’s target of choice when he’s seeking national attention for beating up on children and schools – might expect a big helping of crazy coming our way.


So, join us this weekend. Show your PRIDE. Celebrate. And, let our numbers demonstrate our resolve to stand up to the tyranny of the minority.


Loudoun County Democratic Committee Annual Pride Party, Saturday, June 25th, 6-8 p.m. Help kick off Rep. Jennifer Wexton’s reelection campaign with a celebration of Pride at her Campaign HQ, located at 6 Pidgeon Hill Dr. Suite 360, Sterling VA


Pride at Claude Moore Park, Sunday at 1-8 p.m., Loudoun’s largest Pride event, in addition to food trucks, vendors, and live music, includes a drag show, yoga, bouncy house, and plenty of other activities for all ages.


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